JosephsWiki:Privacy policy

From Joseph's Wiki

This is my private wiki. Right now, I'm the only person who has a user account, and I don't really foresee a need to give anyone else an account at this moment.

If I do decide to give someone else an account, it will be a friend or associate, and I'm sure their privacy will be fine. They'll have a username and password, and I'll know the username, but won't know the password.

As a visitor to this wiki, hi. I don't know who you are but hope the information you find will be useful to you. I don't receive or know any private information about you. Theoretically, your IP address is being recorded by my web host in a log somewhere, but I don't think I've ever looked at that even once or tried to track someone.

I don't think this site will try to give you a cookie, unless you try to log in or something. So don't do that!